Jazz in Hull a current information site and historic archive
About this Website
Some archive material is not currently visible on mobile devices.
Set up by Dave Ellis of live music providers Hulljazz, the purpose of this website is to create a focal point for local jazz promoters, musicians and enthusiasts to make contact and exchange information. The aim is to provide a list of local and regional practitioners, past and present, with links where permissible.
IMPORTANT: This website is very much a work in progress.
It does not claim to be in any way a definitive history of jazz in the region. If any local band or any musicians, past or present, are not represented please feel free to offer accurate information, photographs, video footage or sound files via the Contact page.
Jazz in Hull began in 2014 as a not-for-profit organization established for the promotion of all styles of jazz and improvised musics, from traditional to contemporary, being presented live in the City of Hull and regions of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire.
The site also provides a location forThe Ken Ford Archive, a substantial collection of material collected over a sixty year period by Hulljazz founder Ken Ford (1938-2016) and established here in his memory. It is also a tribute to the local author Laurie Dex, who's publication 'Hull Jazz & Jazzmen' Beck Books, Cottingham, East Yorkshire 1991 ISBN 0 9514759 2 9 is still available and provides essential information on the early days of jazz in Hull.
Jazz in Hull gratefully acknowledges financial assistance from the Arts Unit of Hull City Council.
See also Jazz in Hull: www.facebook.com/jazzinhull/

Jazz on a summer's day. Local musicians performing before a clearly discerning young audience in a Hull park c.1976. Visible are John 'Blind Lemon' Holborn clarinet, Bill Cater trombone,
Ken Ford bass, Gordon Finlay piano